Jumat, 12 Februari 2021


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Kamis, 04 Februari 2021


Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mempunyai kartu e money
, sekarang segala jenis transaksi uang di dalam busway halte sudah ditiadakan jangan panik jika kartu anda kehabisan saldo karena di setiap halte
sekarang sudah ada mesin kartu emoney jadi anda tidak usah bingung cukup siapkan saja uangnya dari nominal Rp 10.000 , Rp, 20.000 Rp 50.000 penggunanya cukup mudah okeh langkah pertama 1. tempelkan kartu emoney anda di mesin nah letaknya tu keliatan tempel disini dibawah layar 2.Lalu siapkan Uang anda minimal Rp 10.000 ya , jangan lupa rapihkan terlebih dahulu uangnya pilih dilayar misal rp 10.000 anda klik dilayar isi saldo kemudian pilih nominalnya ,tunggu beberapa menit apabila gagal anda cek kembali apakah letak kartu emoney terpasang dengan baik, uang rusak kucel terlipat , atau uang palsu , kemudian setelah mengisi lalu jangan lupa ambil struknya ya dan cek saldonya apakah sudah masuk , setelah itu anda masuk ke gate tempel kartu di gate , cukup mudah bukan tarif busway masih bersahabat kok cukup Rp. 3.500 anda sudah bisa berkeliling jakarta , jangan lupa pake masker ya

Rabu, 03 Februari 2021


 1.      Sebutkan minimal 5 bus utama dalam system computer modern ?

2.      Apa fungsi dari control unit ?

3.      Ada berapa jenis adder dalam rangkaian pada ALU (Arithmetic logic unit)sebutkan?

4.      Yang merupakan jenis memori internal adalah?

5.      Cache memory merupakan memori yang menjembatani kecepatan akses antar cpu dengan?

6.      Sebutkan kelemahan  i/o terprogram?

7.      Sebutkan peralatan input / output (I/O)?

8.      Modul I/O memiliki 2 buah fungsi utama yaitu?

9.      Mampu menjalankan beberapa proses atau bebrapa program dalam satu waktu pengertian dari?

10.  Jelaskan pengertisn dari operating system ?


1.      Sebutkan minimal 5 bus utama dalam system computer modern ?

2.      Apa fungsi dari control unit ?

3.      Ada berapa jenis adder dalam rangkaian pada ALU (Arithmetic logic unit)sebutkan?

4.      Yang merupakan jenis memori internal adalah?

5.      Cache memory merupakan memori yang menjembatani kecepatan akses antar cpu dengan?

6.      Sebutkan kelemahan  i/o terprogram?

7.      Sebutkan peralatan input / output (I/O)?

8.      Modul I/O memiliki 2 buah fungsi utama yaitu?

9.      Mampu menjalankan beberapa proses atau bebrapa program dalam satu waktu pengertian dari?

10.  Jelaskan pengertisn dari operating system ?


Selasa, 02 Februari 2021

Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is intelligence that is added to a system that can be arranged in a scientific context or can also be called artificial intelligence or simply abbreviated AI, defined as intelligence of scientific entities. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define artificial intelligence as "the ability of the system to interpret external data correctly, to learn from that data, and to use that learning to achieve certain goals and tasks through flexible adaptation". [1] Such systems are generally considered computers. Intelligence is created and incorporated into a machine (computer) so that it can do work like humans can. Some types of fields that use artificial intelligence include expert systems, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and robotics.

Many things that seem difficult for human intelligence, but for Informatics are relatively problematic. For example: transforming equations, solving integral equations, making chess or Backgammon. On the other hand, things which for humans seem to demand a little intelligence, are still difficult to realize in Informatics until now. For example: Introduction to Objects / Advance, playing soccer.

Although AI has a strong connotation of science fiction, AI forms a very important branch in computer science, dealing with intelligent behavior, learning and adaptation in a machine. Research in AI involves making machines and computer programs to automate tasks that require intelligent behavior. Examples include controlling, planning and scheduling, the ability to answer diagnoses and customer questions, and handwriting, voice and face recognition. Things like that have become their own scientific disciplines, which focus on providing solutions to real life problems. AI systems are now often used in economics, science, medicine, engineering and the military, as they have been built in several home computer software applications and video games.

This artificial intelligence not only wants to understand what an intelligence system is, but also constructs it.

There is no satisfactory definition for 'intelligence':

intelligence: the ability to gain knowledge and use it

or intelligence which is what is measured by an 'Intelligence Test'

The ways in which information can be represented

Using the right methods for presenting specific messages can improve recipients’ understanding and help you persuade and motivate. Here some examples to deliver information :


Because of its convenience and the fact that it seems to be everywhere, with people having 24/7 access, email has become a default delivery system for information.


If you’d like people to hold your message in their hands and have easy access to refer to it later, consider brochures, fliers, ads, catalogs, reports, memos or letters.


Face-to-face meetings let you get more personal, evaluate the body language of your peers, demonstrate products and use visual aids.


Turing test

The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machine designed to generate human-like responses. The evaluator would be aware that one of the two partners in conversation is a machine, and all participants would be separated from one another. The conversation would be limited to a text-only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen so the result would not depend on the machine's ability to render words as speech. If the evaluator cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. The test results do not depend on the machine's ability to give correct answers to questions, only how closely its answers resemble those a human would give.



script java

 code script java 

#include <iostream>

#include <sstream>

#include <string>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <cmath>

#include <iomanip>


using namespace std;

int main ()


            int a1=0,b1=0,c1=0,d1=0,e1=0;

            int a[5]={4,7,14,28,52}, b[5]={3,7,14,24,37}, c[5]={4,7,10,13,16}, d[5]={11,21,38,65,105},e[5]={1,2,3,4,5};


            cout<< setw(20)<<"\n Forecast Penjualan MOBIL AL SHOWROOM 2020"<<endl;



            cout<< setw(19) << "         :    MERCEDEZBENZ i8   :" << setw(3) << "    Lamborghini    :" << setw(5) << "   Land Cruiser    : " << setw(4) << "   TOTAL     :"<<endl;



            for (e1=0 ; e1<=4 ; e1++)


                        printf(" Bulan %d :  ",e[e1]);

                        for(a1=e1; a1<=e1; a1++)


                                    cout<< setw(6) << a[a1] << "      :  ";

                                    for(b1=e1; b1<=e1; b1++)


cout<< setw(7) << b[b1] << "      :  ";

                                                for(c1=e1; c1<=e1; c1++)


                                                            cout<< setw(6) << c[c1] << "      :  ";

                                                            for(d1=e1; d1<=e1; d1++)


                                                            cout<< setw(6) << d[d1] << "      :  ";









            cout<<" Nama : alkhasyyatulloh"<<endl;

            cout<<" NIM  : 2022191024"<<endl;

            cout<<" Kelas : Teknik Informatika"<<endl;


A Job that can be replace by robots.


In the workplace, Readiness is everything that must be prepared in carrying out something to accomplish a purpose.

The understanding of the work world is an overview of some of the types and proportions of existing jobs such as in agriculture, business and office, engineering, Health, civic military, home affairs, and Cultural Arts. In the era of globalization around the workforce and the industry strives to improve efficiency and productivity of work. The increasing efficiency and productivity of work showed that the company has carried out re-engineering and re-structuring in order to shorten the production process.

The economic awakening after the monetary crisis has grown various businesses in all sectors. All companies in hope will be able to grow and develop absorb new workforce, while starting many companies that have prepared the placement of prospective workforce.


Termination of employment that is one of the impacts of the monetary crisis is feared by the workers has begun to diminish, business activities have begun to rise, the period of the end of the economy began to wiggle, the business world began to be passionate, so Also with the need for labor in the business, accelerating the growth of the number of working force with the readiness to enter the workforce must be comparable.

For that the prospective workforce must prepare immediately by following additional skills through a variety of courses, both basic courses to communicate (English) and skills courses organized by SKB, BLK, The orphanage Depsos and the organizers of the course and others. To add a variety of skills according to the interests and talents of learners, to be a ready-made worker candidate and ready to enter the workforce. Therefore, we hope that with globalization in all fields can open job opportunities in the business world and the industrial world. But it's not the only thing that would be a barrier to one's job, with the advancement of the human technology age no longer competing with fellow humans but rather robots.

A recent study from Oxford Economics in this year said if another 11 years there will be 14 million robots employed in China. At 2013 later, more than 1.5 million jobs in the United States will be replaced by robots, whereas in the EU countries it is about 2 million. Economists analyzed a long-term trend in the workforce and found the fact that two decades back, the use of robots rose to 2.25 million units.

Another fact reported from The Guardian is that about 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost replaced by robots since 2,000 then. The number is included in several regions, namely 400,000 in the European region, 260,000 in the United States and 550,000 in China. The World Economics Forum in the past year estimates 133 million of global work will be created with the help of technological advances over the next decade. The amount is still higher than the estimated 75 million jobs are lost.Lalu, industri dan pekerjaan apa sajakah yang diprediksi akan digantikan perannya oleh robot?

Seven professions predicted to be replaced by the Robot

With the development of technology and the emergence of automation in various industries will also threaten the loss of various professions. Here are 7 threatened professions to be replaced by robots, quoted by CNBC Indonesia from Digital Trends.

1.      Lawyer

The work will be replaced by robots in search of the rules of law to be used in a case and drafting a legal or contractual agreement.

2.      Financial Analyst

Artificial Intelligence can find patterns and conduct trading activities faster than human beings.

  1. Driver

Many giant technology companies have developed this technology, one of which is self-driving car.

  1. Telemarketing dan Asisten Customer Service

The role of AI in this profession can be seen from the increasing number of service-based companies that use Chatbot, where it is possible to answer to advise on customer complaints.

5.      Building labor and other rough work

The Robot in the Amazon warehouse which is the result of the development of Kiva Sytems moves to find goods orders in the company warehouse and give it to human workers. Hiring a robot is more efficient as it can work 24 hours during the week.

  1. 6. Health workers

Using algorithms, the robot can diagnose the disease until it even provides recommendations. AI can also change the pharmacist's profession for medicine.

7. Administrative Officers

Robots can more quickly collect, process and present data. Possible mistyping of robots can also be impossible.

That's a variety of work predicted to be replaced by robots.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an artificial intelligence implanted into a machine in the form of a line of programs so that the machine can think of using the implanted intelligence such as and as well as the emulated model Intelligence.

AI was raised by a professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology named John McCarthy in 1956 at Dartmouth Conference attended by AI researchers.

AI Differences with human intelligence         :

Artificial Intelligence

  • Permanent
  • Transferable/transferable
  • Cheap
  • consistent
  • Well documented
  • Fast
  • Has no creativity
  • Not learning from experience
  • Based on the case encountered

Human Intelligence

  • Not Permanent
  • Cannot be transferred/transferred/granted
  • Expensive
  • Inconsistent
  • Cannot be documented
  • Slow
  • Creative
  • Learn from experience
  • Not based on the case encountered

Some of the issues that AI can handle are :

  • Perception (views and conversation)
  • Natural language (comprehension, decline, translation)
  • Robot control
  • Games
  • Mathematical issues (geometry, logic, calculus, integrals)
  • Machining (design, fault finding, factory planning)
  • Scientific analysis
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Financial Analysis

Utilisation of AI implementation is that it can facilitate human work, both in rough work and decision making. Excellent AI is even able to replace the human role in completing his work.


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Mengoptimalkan SEO Website Menggunakan Blog Supaya No.1 Di Google


Bangun Blog Untuk Website Anda

Jika Anda hendak membuat website yang sukses, ada baiknya Anda pertimbangkan juga untuk membangun blog di dalam website tersebut.

Gunanya, selain untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan pada pengunjung, juga untuk memberikan kredibilitas di mata search engine.

Mungkin Anda bertanya, “Loh, bagaimana blog bisa meningkatkan kepercayaan di mata pengunjung?”

Coba bayangkan, apa jadinya kalau ada orang datang ke toko kita dan tanya-tanya ke pelayan toko, tapi si pelayan toko tadi ngga mudeng soal produk kita. Istilahnya, product knowledge nya nol. Ehm, agak memalukan ya pastinya…

Nah, blog bisa difungsikan seperti itu.

Para pengunjung mungkin tidak menemukan produk / layanan yang dia cari. Namun ketika di muter-muter membaca konten lain yang terdapat di dalam blog kita, siapa tahu dia menemukan informasi lain yang bisa jadi dia butuhkan.

Ingat, kata kuncinya adalah “INFORMASI”.

Sehingga perlahan namun pasti, di dalam dirinya akan tumbuh rasa percaya bahwa website kita layak untuk dijadikan rujukan / referensi perihal produk atau layanan yang sedang di cari.

Begitu juga bagi search engine.

Blog merupakan salah satu unsur yang penting supaya website kita memenuhi tujuannya. Jika konten senantiasa kita update, mereka para bot search engine ini akan semakin suka.

Soal bagaimana cara membuat blog, kalau kita menggunakan website WordPress tentunya hal ini akan sangat mudah, ngga perlu pusing-pusing lagi gimana caranya bikin fitur blog. Karena sebagai CMS, WordPress sudah menyediakan fasilitas ini.

Persoalannya sekarang, bagaimanakah kita membuat blog yang disukai oleh mesin pencari? 

  1. Tentukan tema atau topik blog

    Sebelum blog kita buat, tentukanlah topik utama yang akan kita usung, karena nantinya akan menjadi judul blog yang kemudian dijabarkan menjadi deskripsi blog. Tentunya topik ini juga relevan dengan website kita secara keseluruhan.

  2. Riset kata kunci / keyword (KW)

    Lakukanlah ini dahulu ketika hendak menulis blog, kemudian ada baiknya jangan terlalu ingin mengejar keyword yang potensi trafiknya besar. Mulailah dari yang potensinya kecil, yang penting kita harus memahami prinsip kerjanya. Kalau sudah bisa muncul di hasil pencarian dengan keyword yang ringan, barulah kita tingkatkan dengan menggunakan keyword yang persaingannya berat. Prinsipnya, yang penting bisa muncul di hasil pencarian dulu, pakai keyword yang ringan tidak masalah.

  3. Posting yang relevan

    Buatlah konten yang berkualitas. Bikin konten yang unik dan bermanfaat, tapi jangan keluar dari topik utama blog. Lalu buat link antar halaman, jadi antar halaman saling mempromosikan. Kalau banyak halaman yang dibaca pengunjung maka blog dianggap berkualitas.

  4. Persiapkan SEO ONPAGE

    Contohnya seperti mengoptimalkan penggunaan kata kunci di bagian Meta Title, Meta Deskripsi, dst, sesuai hasil analisa keyword.

  5. Indexing

    Sambil menunggu postingan Anda masuk di Google, Anda bisa share ke social media supaya postingan tersebut lebih cepat terindex oleh Google.

  6. Lakukan SEO OFFPAGE

    Contohnya bisa menggunakan pola backlink commenting, backlink wheel / piramida, submit ke social bookmark, dst.


1. Executive Summary Global warming is a pressing issue that is affecting our planet in numerous ways. From rising temperatures and melting ...